Project number: 2017-087
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $85,735.69
Principal Investigator: Rachel King
Organisation: Australian Council of Prawn Fisheries Ltd (ACPF)
Project start/end date: 28 Jul 2017 - 30 Jul 2019


LAP needs to differentiate market positioning activities from extension, education and campaign evaluation activities. LAP needs to be able to satisfy retailer and chef requests for extension/education.

FRDC project 2016-272 "IPA ACPF APFA: Love Australian Prawns evaluation using consumer research, sales data and market insights" allowed for campaign evaluation with RD&E funds. This proposal seeks to access RD&E funds for extension and education to retail staff.

As the campaign enters Year 5, LAP contributors are looking to verify their return on investment in LAP and some payments have been slow. New contributors, such as NSW, Qld and Vic also require this information as they decide to invest. LAP needs to be able to demonstrate judicious allocation of marketing funds, a sound return on investment, and plans to reach all stakeholder groups.


1. Provide education materials to LAP retailer partners to assist staff to answer consumer questions about Australian Prawns
2. Provide visual instructions to complement written LAP recipe instructions to assist consumers

Final report

Authors: Ben Hale Rachel King
Final Report • 2021-04-01 • 4.37 MB


This report presents the methods used to assist consumers to overcome barriers to consumption of Australian prawns. The report details the outputs, and any available metrics, in market channels including retail, food service and directly with consumers about prawns, including: species, regions, preparation and cooking. Consumer perception and awareness of Love Australian Prawns (LAP) was measured and compared against previous years.
Implications for relevant stakeholders:
1. Despite initial interest and enthusiasm, implementing staff education programs within large supermarket chains is problematic, even with support of the seafood department as content crosses multiple areas of responsibility (e.g. operations and human resources).  These multiple layers of approval and often changing policies can render printed material out of date or stuck in a cycle of revision and approval until it is out of date. Independent seafood retailers are capable of utilising such resources and welcome them.
2. Online video is highly effective in moving consumers along the journey from consideration to purchase and help reduce barriers to consumption. The inclusion of a video on a web page or alongside a recipe increases uptake and effectiveness of the recipe.  Continued use of smartphones and online media make how-to videos essential considerations when planning any recipe based marketing.
3. Sales of Australian prawns can be increased in food service venues with compelling and novel serving buckets to bring theatre and engagement to the table, however larger volume venues have different requirements to smaller venues.
4. Awareness of the LAP campaign amongst consumers has grown steadily from years 1-5 and plateaued in year 6. Investment in the campaign has remained steady in years 1-5, declining in year 6.
1. Removing barriers to consumption is best achieved via direct to consumer marketing, especially through online video, rather than attempting to educate serving staff in major supermarkets through printed materials.
2. The LAP prawn bucket project has established that consumer demand can be increased with a novel serving bucket. This should be scaled from 6 to 20 test locations to further validate its effect before investing in on a larger scale and a compostable, recyclable  chitosan based bucket should also be developed and trialed for higher end restaurants.


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