Project number: 2017-198
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $38,370.00
Principal Investigator: Mike A. Steer
Organisation: SARDI Food Safety and Innovation
Project start/end date: 1 Jul 2018 - 30 Aug 2018


It is proposed that a national workshop is needed to: (1) explore options to improve the precision and cost-effectiveness of recreational fishing surveys; (2) consider the use of emerging technologies to support recreational fisheries science; and (3) identify engagement strategies.

Although all States are expected to benefit from the outcomes of the proposed workshop, South Australia is particularly reliant on the shared expertise, transfer of knowledge and advice regarding the execution of scientifically robust, routine recreational fishing surveys. The South Australian Government is committed to undertaking a recreational fishing survey every five years. All previous surveys have been carried out by interstate experts, however, there is a commitment by PIRSA/SARDI to develop recreational fisheries science capability at a sufficient level to undertake all future State-based surveys. It is expected that the workshop will establish South Australia’s role as an active participant in the national assessment of recreational fisheries, increase data harmonisation opportunities across the jurisdictions, and contribute in advancing recreational fisheries science.


1. Identify options to improve the precision and cost-effectiveness of recreational fishing surveys
2. Identify strategies that positively engage the recreational sector in fisheries science and management.
3. Assess whether emerging surveillance technology can be feasibly integrated into future surveys.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-876007-13-3
Author: Dr. Mike Steer
Final Report • 2019-03-21 • 4.52 MB


Currently, the most significant gap in our knowledge in assessing the status of community-shared fisheries is determining the relative contribution by the recreational sector. To explore this issue, a two-day national workshop was held from 10-12 July 2018 at the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). The key focus was advancing the ‘best practice’ approach in design, execution, and analysis of recreational fishing surveys as described in Georgeson et al. (2015; FRDC 2007-014). This project also builds on recent work by Griffiths et al. (2014; FRDC 2011-036) and Moore et al. (2015; FRDC 2012-022.20). The overarching aim of this workshop was to assess the usefulness of new technologies and techniques for enhancing the cost-effectiveness and reliability of recreational fishing surveys. The attendees included recreational fisheries scientists, managers, a national peak body representative, an international expert, representatives from Deckhand© and a Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) representative. 

The specific objectives of the workshop were to:

1. explore options to improve the precision and cost-effectiveness of recreational fishing surveys;

2. assess whether emerging technologies can be feasibly integrated into future surveys; and

3. identify strategies that positively engage the recreational sector in fisheries science and management.

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