Project number: 2017-216
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $143,401.48
Principal Investigator: Kyaw Kyaw Soe Hlaing
Organisation: Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC)
Project start/end date: 4 Mar 2018 - 17 Jan 2019


Currently reporting processes are highly manual with exchange of documents between authors and reviewers as well as copy-editing/formatting administered by the FRDC. Automation of reports would remove these manual inefficiencies freeing up the time of FRDC, authors and reviewers alike, enabling them to focus more on the research and less on the reporting commitments of SAFS. Automation of reporting could also disrupt the current biannual timeline currently applied to SAFS. With automated reporting, jurisdictions do not require FRDC administration of the authoring process and would be able to update reports on timelines that align with other jurisdictional commitments (i.e. the production of their own status reports) - this will also enable a more timely update should stock status change. More so, jurisdictions currently undertake SAFS reporting in addition to their own jurisdictional reporting, as they are often required to report on broader issues that are consider too 'bespoke' to be considered in a national report. Automation of reports, enables jurisdictions to produce reports that align with SAFS as well as their own jurisdictional requirements in one system, streamlining the concurrent reporting processes into one reporting process. This works by ensuring that a the system is built to support reporting of fields critical for SAFS as well as fields necessary for the relevant jurisdictional reporting (FRDC then generate the SAFS reports pulling fields only relevant to SAFS whilst the jurisdictions can report more broadly by publishing the fields they require - acknowledging that bespoke jurisdictional reports would still be subject to the same rigorous peer review process of the SAFS report to ensure integrity of the reports)


1. Create a platform for jurisdictional data driven stock status reports

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