Project number: 2021-076
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $29,939.11
Principal Investigator: Craig Fox
Organisation: Abalone Council Victoria Inc (ACVI)
Project start/end date: 31 Oct 2021 - 17 Mar 2022


Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis (AVG) disease is caused by a herpesvirus (infection with abalone herpesvirus, AbHV) and was first detected in Victoria in December 2005. The last recorded instance of this disease in Victoria was in January 2010 at Cape Otway.

The disease was again confirmed in the Cape Nelson area on 2 May 2021. Since then, further detections have been made at several locations and has been confirmed in Victoria as far east as Cape Otway and as far west as the Discovery Bay Marine Park.

While the virus is active there is a need for the Victorian wild catch abalone fishers to urgently review past research, to inform a gap analysis and further research.

This review will support those involved in the outbreak and inform fellow members nationally with a summary of past research and a way forward with other research for up-to-date biosecurity protocols, surveillance, and diagnostic tools to aid rapid detection to future proof the industry. Relevant industry, government representatives and stakeholders will be kept informed and asked to comment and contribute issues and ideas for a cooperative structured way forward to build a common framework on which to establish a set of key actions and or priorities. At the end of a staged process a workshop will be organised to evaluate and reassess research needs, assess and implement research findings and if further gaps are identified develop a framework to action.


1. Conduct an analysis of past research on AVG, create a plain English summary and identify knowledge and research gaps that can be evaluated nationally by key stakeholders
2. Hold a workshop that will be a mixture of face to face and virtual so that key stakeholders can attend and participate in evaluation of suggested research projects identified
3. Prepare and provide a final report that clearly articulates research priorities for AVG in the short term and long term


ISBN: 978-0-6455081-0-9
Authors: Craig Fox Harry Peeters Ian Knuckey Helen Burvill
Workshop • 2022-07-01 • 1.03 MB


Following Abalone Viral Ganglioneurits (AVG) re-emerging in the Western Zone of the Victorian Abalone Fishery in early May 2021 it was decided that a workshop needed to be convened as soon as possible with relevant stakeholders to evaluate past research and understand research gaps while the virus is active, and samples of active material can be collected and stored in a secure laboratory in readiness for future testing. Stakeholders from wild catch Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and New South Wales; farmed abalone sector; government and research agencies and universities gathered for a 1-day workshop, held in Queenscliff on 14th December 2021 to identify and prioritise future research and development priorities.

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