Project number: 2023-090
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $178,829.00
Principal Investigator: Sean Tracey
Organisation: Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) Hobart
Project start/end date: 30 Apr 2024 - 29 Apr 2025


Recognising that harvest strategies are not particularly effective in meeting the needs of the recreational fishing sector, there is a need to identify the correct vehicle(s) for appropriately considering the objectives of the sector in management frameworks. This will require intensive engagement with stakeholders through national and State peak bodies and fishery managers to establish a shared understanding of the limitations of current fisheries management frameworks and promote innovation in formulating alternative systems.

The need to develop a systems model for the recreational sector has been identified as critical to ensuring fisheries management frameworks effectively recognise recreational fishing considerations. The model would provide a framework for fisheries managers and recreational sector stakeholders to collaborate in designing and implementing the intensive consultation and technical processes necessary to ensure recreational fishing drivers are understood and information, data baselines and monitoring needs are agreed. Addressing this critical gap will enable the development of fishery management tools which are better able to achieve fishery management goals and are supported by all stakeholders.

This project will undertake intensive engagement with the recreational fishing sector and fisheries managers to build a consolidated understanding of the recreational sector and the values, goals and motivators of model identified segments within the fishery which will provide important inputs in fisheries management frameworks. It will examine the pre-conditions for recreational sector objective setting and design a systematic process to ensure objectives are rigorously formulated and effectively integrated into fisheries management plans and harvest strategies, with consideration of the needs of all resource users.

The key output will be a systems model which defines objective setting processes and outputs prior to the commencement of management planning processes. This will establish clear guideposts and criteria, from which managers and stakeholders can confidently progress to management plan and harvest strategy development in a responsible manner.


1. Critically analyse the effectiveness of contemporary fisheries management frameworks as vehicles for driving fishery management for returns to the broader/recreational community with consideration of all resource users.
2. Recommend any changes in current approaches that better recognise recreational fishing considerations in fisheries management frameworks.
3. Development of a model framework that defines systems and processes for adoption and delivery of recreational fishing objectives into management plans and harvest strategies with consideration of the cost of implementation including data collection.

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