Project number: 2013-748.20
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $25,312.50
Principal Investigator: Caleb Gardner
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 30 Sep 2014 - 29 Jun 2015


Producing peer-reviewed publication on these topics is part of the suite of approaches aimed at increasing uptake of FH projects. Scientific papers enable exchange of ideas internationally. They are part of the process of changing fishery management which needs these types of outputs to defend decisions.


1. Examination of the process of changing management in Australia resulting in the increased use of economics
2. Increase factual awareness of the potential for enhancement in Australia

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-86295-840-1
Authors: Timothy Emery Caleb Gardner Ian Cartwright and Anthony Hart
Final Report • 2015-09-04 • 652.83 KB


This project has led to the development of three journal articles examining how the use of economic analyses and stock enhancement can lead to improved economic outcomes in Australian wild-capture commercial fisheries. The Seafood Cooperative Research Centre (Seafood CRC) Future Harvest (FH) projects identified some of the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing bio-economic approaches and stock enhancement within fisheries management frameworks. Much of this discourse was contained however in technical reports, newsletters and other project-linked documentation (e.g. milestone reports). Thus there was a need (and space) to document the adoption of bio-economics and stock enhancement within fisheries management frameworks, associated challenges and the process of change management in Australian fisheries within peer-reviewed journal articles.

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