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Contact Us

Fisheries Research and Development Corporation Postal address Locked Bag 222, Deakin West, ACT 2600 Phone +61 2 6122 2100 Email Address frdc@frdc.com.au    

Corporate Policies

As part of good corporate governance, and to ensure a high level of transparency the FRDC is happy to provide a current copy of any of its policies. The FRDC policies are regularly reviewed and as a result may be updated. While the FRDC endeavours to ensure the latest version is available, however...

Careers with FRDC

FRDC takes a leading role in planning and investment in fisheries research and development (R&D) in Australia to ensure the ongoing sustainability of our marine sectors and marine ecosystems. Co-funded by the Australian Government and the fishing and aquaculture sectors, the FRDC works...

Market research

FRDC undertakes regular market research with our stakeholders to understanding of their views on key issues and on our performance. Research includes face-to-face qualitative in-depth interviews with key stakeholders and quantitative telephone surveys with people across fisheries and...

FRDC logo and tools

FRDC has a number of files accessible to support its stakeholders with regards to: Logos MS Teams Meeting Help Guide Usage Description Downloads Logo Publication High quality and...

Developing the FRDC's R&D Plan 2020-2025

A lot has changed since FRDC developed its first strategic plan in the early 1990s. There has been widespread digitisation of enormous amounts of information, development of smart systems that communicate interdependently, a huge decrease in cost and increase in the power of computing, a global...

Building a shared map of fishing and aquaculture

The world is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Sometimes it can be difficult to work out where you are, and where you need to be. Maps help us to understand our surrounding landscape better, and our position within it. System maps are no different: each one helps us to...

Strategic planning and priorities

Overview Every five years, the FRDC re-aligns organisational focus with contemporary end-user needs in the process of developing its research and development (R&D) plan. FRDC’s R&D Plan 2020-2025 seeks to respond to the ambition of the diverse stakeholders from across fishing and...

FRDC R&D Plan 2020-2025

Overview FRDC's R&D Plan 2020-2025 seeks to build on efforts from across Australia’s fishing and aquaculture system to achieve a shared vision of what fishing and aquaculture might look like in Australia by 2030. The Plan focuses on delivering outcomes in five key areas, supported by five...

Fraud and corruption control

Overview The FRDC has obligations under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (PGPA Act) to ensure the efficient, effective, ethical and economical use of public resources. Clients, contractors and service providers who do business with FRDC are also expected to behave...
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