Project number: 1999-335
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $83,524.00
Principal Investigator: John Benzie
Organisation: Australian Institute Of Marine Science (AIMS)
Project start/end date: 11 Jul 1999 - 17 Jun 2003


As the Australian Aquaculture Industry makes more use of genetic techniques, and works more with fully domesticated stock, there is a need to be fully informed of advances in this area. To remain competitive, and to maximise the effectiveness of limited research funds, industry and government will require to identify and access technologies developed overseas as rapidly as possible.

Advances in genetics are occuring at considerable speed and there is a need to establish and maintain interactions with research groups worldwide. The effectiveness with which this can be done is enhanced not only by demonstrating the research skills developed in Australia, but by exposure of International scientists to Australia, it aquaculture industries and research groups.

Holding the 7th International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture in Australia will provide an excellent opportunity to provide this exposure, to establish or strengthen networks, and, by maintaining the tradition of the "Genetics in Aquaculture" Symposia, establishing our position in the International scene in this area of research and technology development.

The importance of this area of research and technology development was demonstrated by the demand for, and the conduct of, a national meeting on Genetics in Aquaculture in Perth in Sept 1998 supported by FRDC. At that meeting, the development of international interactions were identified as an important requirement for Australia.


1. To provide an International Class Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture, covering all aquaculture species, and different genetic approaches.
2. To ensure a financially viable event.

Final report

Author: John Benzie
Final Report • 2017-09-29 • 75.84 KB


The successful staging of the Seventh International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture, the premier international conference for genetic experts specializing in Aquaculture, for the first time in the southern hemisphere, has led to greater exposure of the Australian Aquaculture Industries to that group.  It also facilitated the development of new contacts between Australian researchers and industry members with those overseas and provided a venue for exchange of the latest information in aquaculture genetics between Australian researchers and the international community.  Considerable media interest during the conference raised the profile of genetic applications in Aquaculture.  Positive feedback was received from research and industry groups as to the value of the conference. 

Keywords: Genetics, aquaculture, Aquaculture Symposium.

Project products



The Seventh International Symposium on Genetics in Aquaculture (ISGA) was hosted by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) and held at the beach-side Jupiters Sheraton Hotel in Townsville, Queensland, 15-22 July 2000. Over 140 people attended, including representatives from more than 30 countries, and a total of 137 papers were given in six topic areas.

The Special Issue Genetics in Aquaculture VII, volume 204(3-4) (2002), can be found here

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