Project number: 1995-130
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $36,000.00
Principal Investigator: Jeremy D. Prince
Organisation: Biospherics Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 28 Jun 1994 - 30 Mar 1996


1. Identify and develop practical closure options for the eastern gemfish fishery.
2. Assess each option in terms of: a. the estimated reduction in the kill of eastern gemfish and the benefits there of to the future recovery of the stock
and b the estimated net value of catch directly forgone of other SEF quota species. c key non-quota species.
3. Based on the above assessment determine, as compared to current management arrangements, the direct socio-economic net benefits or costs to groups of fishing operators based in key southern NSW and eastern Victorian ports and to SEF operators as a whole.
4. Determine a preferred closure option and evaluate the overall effectiveness of this option against current management options, taking into account: a. the quantity of gemfish that may be killed. b. the direct and indirect socio-economic effects. c. management costs. d. the perceived support from the fishing. industry and other groups - the objectives of the Fisheries Management Act 1991.
5. Prepare a draft report by 14 September 1995 and a final report by 30 September 1995.

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