Project number: 1998-119
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $80,380.00
Principal Investigator: Neil Sumner
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 20 Jun 1998 - 22 Dec 2000


The recreational and commercial components of the blue swimmer crab fishery need to be managed jointly to ensure that the total catch is sustainable. The proposed research will provide important catch and effort information on the recreational sector by season and location. Data is not available for the Peel-Harvey Estuary and Swan River recreational fisheries and this study is required to address this shortfall.


1. To estimate annual landings of blue swimmer crab made by recreational fishers on the coast and in major estuaries between Cape Naturaliste and Perth, Western Australian. Specifically:- Estimate recreational catch from (a) Geographe Bay, (b) Warnbro Sound, (c) Cockburn Sound using historical boat ramp and beach recreational survey data.- Estimate recreational catch and effort from unsurveyed estuaries (Swan and Peel-Harvey). Note: the Leschenault Estuary is being done by an independent study.- Compile a table of commercial and recreational catch share for Geographe Bay, Warnbro Sound, Cockburn Sound, Peel Harvey Estuary, Swan Estuary and Leschenault Estuary.

Final report

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