12,817 results

Hatchery feeds workshop

With the expansion of aquaculture in Australia there is a need to improve coordination between and within both the R&D and industry sectors with regard to the study of hatchery feeds, and to identify opportunities and priorities for future research. The recent world shortage of the brine shrimp...
Australian Institute Of Marine Science (AIMS)

National commercial fishing industry response to changes to the USL code

Project number: 2000-234
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $95,765.00
Principal Investigator: John Maddams
Organisation: Western Australian Fishing Industry Council Inc (WAFIC)
Project start/end date: 23 Oct 2000 - 30 Sep 2003


ASIC needs to instigate a proper process to collate a national Commercial Fishing Industry response to the NMSC proposals to change the USL Code and input into the new National Marine Safety Strategy.

Commercial Fishing Industry representatives from each State/Territory need to conduct a series of workshops to formulate a national response to the above.

Timelines for submissions to NMSC need to be reconsidered to allow industry to meet, consider and form a national Commercial Fishing Industry response to the changes and implications listed in the preceeding Background paragraph. This matter has been taken up with NMSC.


1. Conduct at least two rounds of States/Territory workshops, coordinated and managed by an ASIC appointed secretariat ( WAFIC accepts this role) to formulate State/Territory positions in relation to the USL Code amendments and National Marine Safety Strategy.
2. Develop a report that summarises the views and recommends a national approach to USL Code issues from the Commercial Fishing Industry.
3. Present ASIC's recommendations/findings to NMSC

Final report

ISBN: 0-646-42437-8
Author: John Maddams
Final Report • 2003-06-10 • 1.35 MB


In the drafting of the new national safety standards, ASIC considered it an imperative that the industry's interests should be acknowledged and not dominated by other and perhaps more vocal sectors of the broader maritime industry. ASIC sought therefore to instigate a process that would result in a collated national industry response to the new National Marine Safety Strategy.

In March 2000 a project application was forwarded by WAFIC, acting on behalf of ASIC, to the Fisheries Research and Development Council (FRDC), for industry to access the necessary funds to support a series of State/Territory and National workshops to progressively review the development of the Parts of the new NSCV and to collate industry's response on behalf of ASIC for presentation to NMSC.


Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: molecular genetic tools for the Tasmanian Atlantic salmon industry – development and application

Project number: 2000-224
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $461,795.99
Principal Investigator: Nick G. Elliott
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 16 Oct 2000 - 29 Jun 2005


The efficiency and effectiveness of selective breeding programs can be greatly enhanced through the use of DNA technology. The application of such technology will be used for pedigree information and identification of markers for economic traits leading to marker-assisted selection. Although various international laboratories and CSIRO have developed a bank of molecular markers for Atlantic salmon, the potential of these and other nuclear DNA markers such as AFLPs need evaluating.

Through this project we would be able to formally collaborate on an international mapping project for salmonids. This would give the local industry access to far more markers and genetic information than would be possible if we worked in isolation.

The extent of genetic variation within the Tasmanian population with respect to overseas endemic populations remains unclear. In time it may be considered advantageous to import new genetic material to enhance various characteristics of the local population. However, at present that is unlikely and the genetic status of the population, and of the effectiveness of breeding protocols, needs to be better understood. Significant progress was made with this and the search for sex differences (project 96/347), but funding is required to further the research.


1. To further develop and apply molecular markers for use in industry breeding programs.
2. To genotype selected broodstock with a suite of microsatellite markers to enable efficient pedigree analysis of progeny.
3. To compare microsatellite DNA variation from archival scale samples from the progenitor Canadian population with past and current cohorts of the Tasmanian population.

Final report

ISBN: 1 876996 60 9
Author: Nicholas Elliott
Final Report • 2004-10-25 • 3.65 MB


Archived DNA was successfully extracted from 30-year-old dried scales collected in 1971 and 1972 from wild Atlantic salmon from the River Philip, Canada.

Genetic variation was assessed at 11 nuclear DNA microsatellite loci (three tetra- and eight di-nucleotide repeats) in two samples from the River Philip, Canada (1971/72 and 1991 year-classes), one from Gaden, NSW (1997) and seven from the Tasmanian population (1992, and 1996 to 2001 year-classes).

The 1971/72 sample (archived scales) from Canada proved to be a reliable and realistic baseline (compared to the 1991 sample) against which to assess genetic drift in the Tasmanian population.

A highly significant loss of alleles was observed in all hatchery (Canada, Gaden and Tasmanian) produced samples compared to the wild 1971/72 Canada sample. No difference in heterozygosity was observed.

Estimates of per-generation effective population sizes for the Tasmanian Atlantic salmon population, based on allele frequency variance with the 1971/72 Canada sample, ranged from 102 to 207 individuals, with the average value for the last three (1999 to 2001) year-classes of 185 individuals. These values are up to 80% higher than previous estimates based on allele variance comparison with the 1991 Canada sample. The values are consistent with the population having experienced a minor bottleneck early in the introduction to Australia but with subsequent hatchery controlled generations of high effective breeding numbers.

Despite the observed loss of alleles compared to the wild progenitor population our results vindicate the Tasmanian hatchery protocols that have maintained a sufficiently large breeding population to preserve a genetically healthy population.

Keywords: Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, pedigree, genetic variation, microsatellites, AFLP, AGD resistance, MHC

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: facilitation, administration and promotion

Project number: 2000-223
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $210,366.00
Principal Investigator: Stephen Battaglene
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 19 Dec 2000 - 15 Feb 2005


The Atlantic salmon industry needs to address a number of biological constraints and socio-economic issues through a coordinated research effort to ensure sustainability, profitability and to develop to its full potential. In particular, research is required that addresses issues of immediate concern while acknowledging that some projects require long-term timeframes. There is therefore a need to promote a strategic plan and to develop collaborative research projects that address industry bottlenecks and avoid duplication and unnecessary expenditure of a finite research fund. This Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram will deliver the mechanism for the required collaboration while efficiently addressing research priorities identified by industry.


1. Co-ordinate the FRDC Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram (applications, workshops and communication).
2. Conduct an annual research workshop for the presentation of results from the Subprogram and the definition of research objectives for subsequent years.
3. Facilitate travel of Subprogram project principal investigators, a nominated industry representative and the Subprogram Leader to biannual Scientific Committee meetings.
4. Facilitate travel of industry representatives and the Subprogram Leader to quarterly Steering and Management Committee meetings.
5. Co-ordinate the preparation of and delivery of a Subprogram newsletter, media releases, and workshop publications.
6. Integrate with other FRDC and externally funded Atlantic salmon programs.

Final report

ISBN: 1862951039
Author: Stephen Battaglene
Final Report • 2006-01-31 • 702.29 KB


The salmon industry is one of Australia’s largest aquaculture industries and produced approximately 16,000 tonnes of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, in 2001/02 at an estimated farm gate value of $170 million. The industry is a major regional and youth employer and is based in Tasmania with a fledgling industry in South Australia. Fish are farmed towards the upper thermal limit and growth rates are extremely fast, with production taking around 30 months.

World production of salmon is now over one million tonnes. The Australian market for Atlantic salmon has been affected by world events including a global oversupply. As a consequence the majority of Australian salmon is sold on the domestic market, with only a small portion exported overseas. Tasmanian growers estimate that production costs over the past four years have risen by as much as 50%, exacerbated by significant increases in feed prices and poor growing conditions, caused by low rainfall and high water temperatures.

The rapid growth of the salmon industry during the latter half of the 1990’s and the poor growing conditions have resulted in a series of challenges that currently threaten the sustainability and profitability of the industry. These challenges include the cost, control and management of disease, particularly AGD, jellyfish and algal blooms in some seasons; the high cost of providing year-round supply of fish to the markets; the interaction of cage aquaculture on the environment and the cost of monitoring and compliance of managing seal predation; the increasing cost of salmon food; and global changes in sea water temperatures. The industry meets these challenges by combining together through the Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association (TSGA).  The TSGA has an MOU with FRDC that provides a greater certainty of intent in relation to the planning, funding and managing of R&D and the adoption and commercialisation of results.

In 2000 the FRDC established a managed Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram (ASAS) as a vehicle for the MOU. The objectives were to address risks, improve technology transfer and improve industry communication, all integral to Industry achieving its full potential. The ASAS has provided a high level of research service and has been able to address key production issues in support of industry’s strategic plans. The ASAS provides a service to the Atlantic Salmon Industry both in Tasmania and the other mainland states. It represents a focal point for a range of other salmonid research projects and programs in all states. Programs currently run by the FRDC outside the Aquafin CRC (e.g., Aquaculture Nutrition Subprogram and Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram), Aquafin CRC, CSIRO, TAFI and DPIWE are all linked through the Subprogram.

In 2001, the leverage of industry research funding was enhanced through the CRC for Sustainable Aquaculture of Finfish (Aquafin CRC). The Aquafin CRC, will contribute an additional $17million in support of the salmon and tuna aquaculture sectors in Australia over 7 years. The FRDC is a major participant in the Aquafin CRC. Overall the ASAS has achieved a leverage of approximately 1:4 TSGA funds to externally funded research funds over the life of the Subprogram. When the in-kind component of all projects is included, the leverage is approximately 1:12 with a total of around $4 million being spent annually on research and development.

Keywords: Atlantic salmon, aquaculture, cage culture, Tasmania, Subprogram, Aquafin CRC, FRDC, R&D.


Aquafin CRC - SBT Aquaculture Subprogram: quality and nutritional evaluation of baitfish used for tuna farming

The project provided nutritional profiles for all types of baitfish used for feed in the Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) (Thunnus maccoyii) Aquaculture Industry, as well as for the only available commercially produced compound feed and SBT. Included are values for amino acid and fatty acid...
Australian Southern Bluefin Tuna Industry Association

Improved performance of marron using genetic and pond management strategies

Project number: 2000-215
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $706,426.27
Principal Investigator: Craig Lawrence
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 9 Oct 2000 - 28 Aug 2008


There is a need for marron aquaculture to follow the example of traditional agriculture and develop domesticated varieties, rather than continuing to rely upon unselected wild stock. In fact, current husbandry techniques on commercial farms, in particular harvesting practices, are likely to result in the selection of slower growing marron for future broodstock (i.e. through early marketing of fastest growing individuals with broodstock chosen from the residual population), as is the case in yabby farming (Lawrence et al. 1998).

Investment in marron farming has grown rapidly in WA and SA with medium term potential of 1000 t p.a. ($20 million) in WA and 250 t pa ($6.25 million) in SA, based on current investment (conservatively $15 million in WA), anticipated expansion at these farms, performance of better farmers, and site availability (marron are grown from Geraldton to Esperance). As volumes increase the current excellent ex farm prices for marron ($16-32/kg) may decline and necessitate improved production efficiency. Consultation with industry has identified growth rate and size variation as the main factors affecting profitability of marron farming. Industry’s belief in the need for this research is reinforced with significant cash ($9000 from WA) and in kind contributions.

There is a need to i) compare production of farm stock with that of their ancestral populations to determine the effects of current farm management practices upon marron gene pools, ii) compare different wild stocks to identify the best marron strain for farming, and then iii) genetically improve the best strains

Just as traditional agriculture has increased growth rates of livestock and poultry by strain evaluation and selective breeding, there is a need to achieve similar gains with marron by developing a genetically improved strain which will result in greatly improved profitability for industry.

In addition, there is considerable debate amongst consultants and farmers as to what are the best methods for producing marron. While experimental trials have shown yields may be increased, demonstration and documentation of the "best practice" marron farming system has not been undertaken. There is a need for husbandry improvements that can both increase the quantity and improve the quality of farmed marron. The issue of improved quality is vital to farmers, as marron are exported alive but industry currently report mortality rates of up to 11%. Reducing mortality by ensuring marron being sent to market are in top condition will have clear and measurable improvements in profitability. With industry we have developed this proposal which combines the needs of industry with the proven freshwater crayfish expertise of Fisheries WA researchers along with facilities and expertise in animal breeding from the University of Western Australia. South Australian farmers and researchers are keen to extend such research activity and results to that state. To facilitate this the project involves SA industry, SARDI, PIRSA and the University of Adelaide.


1. Selection and genetic improvement to stock. This general objective will be achieved by completing the following specific objectives:i) Identify the fastest growing wild strain of marron,ii) Compare the growth of wild marron strains with a mass selected commercial strain,iii) Determine whether any hybrids have production characteristics that are superior to wild marron strains, iv) Use mass selection to develop a faster growing "domesticated" marron strain or hybrid,v) Decrease size variation of marron cohorts to increase the proportion of marketable animals,vi) Evaluate performance of the mass selected marron strain on commercial properties,vii) Investigate inbreeding effects by comparing growth of mass selected marron with farm stock.
2. Development of improved husbandry protocols. This general objective will be achieved by completing the following specific objectives:i) Compare the effect of aeration upon both production levels and product quality,ii) Determine whether increased numbers of hides can alleviate growth reduction due to high density,iii) Evaluate stocking tightly graded juveniles in commercial ponds upon size variation at harvest, iv) Evaluate stocking advanced juveniles into commercial ponds,v) Trial a non destructive condition index developed for yabbies on marron in commercial farms,vi) Compare the effect of regional variation upon marron growth and production.
3. Extension of results to industry. This general objective will be achieved by completing the following specific objectives: i) Manual of methods for managing marron ponds to improve husbandry and genetics of farm stock,ii) Exchange of information between WA and SA.

Final report

ISBN: 1-921258-01-2
Author: Craig Lawrence
Final Report • 2008-01-08 • 4.98 MB


Marron (Cherax tenuimanus) are the highest valued freshwater crayfish farmed in Australia. This project addressed the need to increase the profitability of commercial marron farms by improving growth rates and pond management strategies.

The project evaluated progeny produced from wild populations collected from 6 river systems that had not been subjected to the broodstock selection processes on commercial farms. This demonstrated that current management of broodstock, whereby farmers sell the largest crayfish produced and breed from remaining animals, has resulted in slower growth of marron on commercial farms. Marron from all river systems grew faster than industry stocks. The best performing wild river strain, from the Harvey river, grew 82% faster than current industry stocks.

A simple mass selection selective breeding program improved growth rates by 86 -110% in two generations.

Consultation with farmers identified breeding objectives that were applied by researchers to develop a selection index for a more complex pedigree breeding program that permitted simultaneous selection for multiple traits based upon economic merit. This program also permits greater control of inbreeding than mass selection.

Husbandry experiments showed that current refuge densities were suitable for marron production. Paddlewheel aeration practices could be improved by increasing the duration of aeration. Relaying juveniles produced early in the year in northern regions did not improve final production. Size grading of juveniles prior to stocking ponds can, however, increase the average weight of marron harvested by 12 - 58% and decrease the proportion of below market size animals by 54%.

Marron with proportionately shallower abdomens grow faster than those with deeper abdomens. Combined with hide harvesting, this simple condition index can be applied by farmers to evaluate condition of marron in commercial ponds, calculate growth rates and manage feed rates.

Farms based in the more southern, cooler regions, have lower growth rates due to cool water temperatures. In this study the best region from a temperature perspective is Pinjarra, where lower water temperatures limit growth for only 0.6% of the year, compared to the least favourable region, where temperature limits growth for 33% of the year.

It is essential that commercial marron farms are correctly designed, constructed and professionally managed. Commercial trials involving 147,000 marron reared to market size in 44 commercial ponds over a 5 year period demonstrated the viability of current practices and the increased profit ($33,600/ ha) from farming selectively bred marron developed in this project.

An extension strategy that included open days, research seminars, field trials and open communication with industry was extremely successful. Most key outputs from this project have already been adopted by leading farmers with newer entrants to the industry following their example. As a result the husbandry strategies and software developed by this project have been rapidly adopted by industry and 18,000 elite marron produced from the selective breeding program have been distributed to industry in WA and SA.

The use of marron produced by the FRDC selective breeding program dramatically increases the profitability of farming. For a correctly managed and constructed 50 pond farm replacing industry stock with marron from the selective breeding program increases the IRR from 8.24% to 22%, return on capital from 4% to 40%, yields from 1.5 to 3 t/ha/year and profit from $20,722 to $189,130 /year.

Keywords: Marron, Cherax tenuimanus, genetics, husbandry, aquaculture, hides, aeration.

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