12,817 results

The importance to commercial and recreational fish species of the various habitats found in the nearshore marine waters and estuaries of south-western Australia

Project number: 2000-159
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $277,687.00
Principal Investigator: Ian Potter
Organisation: Murdoch University
Project start/end date: 10 Sep 2000 - 9 Oct 2004


The urgent need for reliable quantitative data on the habitats which are used extensively by commercial and recreational fish species during one or more stages in their life cycles has been highlighted by Cappo et al. (1998) in their report to FRDC (95/055). That report identified a deficiency in a knowledge of the following:

1. Characteristics and locations of important fisheries habitats at scales useful for research and management.
2. Life history information for fish species, related to the types of habitats occupied throughout their life cycles, and data on the densities and/or biomass of those other biotic components of fish habitats, which provide food and/or protection for fish, such as invertebrates and aquatic vegetation.
3. Habitat dynamics and ecosystem processes, including food webs, habitat use and fisheries production in soft sediment substrata, such as beaches.
4. Fisheries-habitat links, including the influences of hydrodynamic and other processes on the recruitment of commercial and recreational fish species.

The above gaps in our knowledge were also highlighted by the FRDC in its “Research Priorities for Fisheries Ecosystem Protection”, when they listed two of its strategic R&D areas as “defining major habitats in the coastal exclusive economic zone” and “the roles of habitats in maintaining healthy fisheries production, ecosystem integrity and biodiversity”.

There is a particularly urgent need to fill the above gaps because the coastal and estuarine waters of Australia are becoming increasingly exposed to the effects of numerous coastal developments, e.g. the construction of harbours, marinas and groynes, and to the destruction of habitat through other forms of activity, e.g. dredging for sand and extreme forms of eutrophication. Information on which habitats are most important to commercial and recreational fish species in these waters are required by managers so that they can introduce appropriate plans for managing and conserving those habitats.


1. Define quantitatively the range of habitat types found in nearshore marine and estuarine waters in south-western Australia.
2. Determine the compositions of the benthic macroinvertebrate faunas at sites representing the different habitat types and ascertain the extent to which such data help refine the criteria for defining the different habitat types.
3. Determine the compositions of the fish faunas in representative examples of the different habitat types, and thereby determine which habitats are "preferred" by each of the main commercial and recreational fish species.
4. Develop a suite of characteristics which can thus be used to predict which fish species will be found in each of the different types of habitat.
5. Determine, for a moderately sheltered and a moderately exposed coastal habitat, and a habitat in the Swan Estuary, the abundance, biomass and size composition of the main components of the diets of fish species and of the potential prey of those species in the benthos and water column. These data will be used to determine the most important prey for each of the abundant fish species and to construct a preliminary food web.
6. Collate the key components of the data collected by this study in a form that will enable fisheries and environmental managers to ensure that those areas of the coast that provide crucial habitats for important fish species are protected from deleterious anthropogenic activities.

Final report

Integrating fishing industry knowledge of fishing grounds with scientific data on seabed habitats for informed spatial management and ESD evaluation in the SEF

Project number: 2000-153
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $311,673.00
Principal Investigator: Alan Williams
Organisation: CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Hobart
Project start/end date: 29 Dec 2000 - 29 Jun 2007


The SEF fishing industry, particularly the trawl sector, has a need to be proactive in the face of growing community attention to trawling based on its potential to modify benthic habitat and threaten biodiversity values. This need is focussed by the timetable for the regional marine planning process (the end of 2001 for the SEF region), as well as to meet provisions under Schedule 4 of the Wildlife Protection (Regulation of Experts and Imports) Act and the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. Without solid information or a developed industry position regarding the spatial management of its fishing grounds, the fishing industry will have minimal ability to engage in this process as active partners.

The SEF fishing industry holds strong beliefs about the importance of particular seabed habitats for is continued profitability (Prince, Baelde and Wright FRDC 71/114) and has a need to develop a mature relationship with the National Ocean's Office and Environment Australia. This relationship and the information formailsed by this project will enable the industry to have input in the near-term to the Regional Marine Planning process and to certify their seafood products for expertation under the Wildlife Protection Act.

The outcomes of this project will have direct relevance t:
advancing AFMA's legislated aims of sustaining biological production and economic efficiency
seeking certification for inclusion on Schedule 4 of the Wildlife protection Act
attaining ESD accreditation in the longer term
responding to the near term needs of participating in the process of developing Environment Australia's South East Regional Marine Plan.

The finely detailed and annotated maps to be generated by this project will provide a template on which the distribution of fishing effort and catches can be plotted, and will form the basis of industry proposals to introduce a spatial management to their fishery. Without these maps and the process supported by this project there is a risk that uninformed spatial management of fishing effort would contribute neither to conservation goals nor the fishing industry and could be to the detriment of both. Moreover, inappropriate spatial management would be counter-productive to ESD planning for the SEF.


1. Proactively and cooperativley develop industry policy in response to the requirements of the Wildlife Protection Act (especially principle 2). 1.1 Acquire, collate and map industry (trawl and non-trawl) information on the spatial extent use of fishing grounds in the SEF.1.2 Evaluate and summarise this information in relation to the Wildlife Protection Act (especially principle 2) guidelines.
2. Integrate fishing industry knowledge and scientific data to give quality assured information on linkages between seabed habitats, biodiversity and fishery production for informed sustainable management of the SEF and to build broad understanding.2.1 Develop deployment equipment to provide an ongoing capacity to photographically monitor habitats from industry vessels.2.2 Validate and complement industry information gathered for objective 1 by ground-truth sampling from industry vessels.2.3 Consolidate all the information from this project, together with existing ecological and physical (geographical, topographical and hydrological) data, and provide a draft paper for industry that addresses relevant elements (primarily Principle 2 of the Wildlife Protection Act guidelines).2.4 Support, through a series of workshops, the development by industry of spatial management options to protect biodiversity and fishery production in the SEF based on the information provided through this project.2.5 Develop a Public Relations strategy for the project and its outcomes, including media release kits/releases and supporting video/photographic images, collaboratively between SETFIA, SENTA and the project team.

AAHL Fish Diseases Laboratory bacteriology workshop

Project number: 2000-149
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $35,604.99
Principal Investigator: Nick Gudkovs
Organisation: CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory
Project start/end date: 18 Dec 2000 - 30 Dec 2001


Diagnostic laboratories across the country vary in their diagnostic capability for aquatic animal pathogens. Due to their individual needs, many diagnostic laboratories have developed their own reagents and procedures for the identification of bacterial pathogens. This lack of standardisation can be problematical, for example, when reporting on aquatic animal health status. Using Vibrio identification as an example, it is likely that diagnostic laboratories would be capable of identification to the genus level (i.e. Vibrio sp.). However, due to differences in the various laboratories, identification to the species level would be difficult, and different laboratories are likely to use different procedures for identification.

There is a clear need for diagnostic scientists working in this area to compare and standardise protocols between States. A series of workshops aimed at providing training in the diagnosis of bacterial disease in aquatic animals for those new to the area, and at the same time providing an opportunity to evaluate the various diagnostic protocols used in Australia for their ability to identify both enzootic and exotic pathogens is overdue.

Development of Standard Diagnostic Techniques will require three logical steps:

1. Comparison and evaluation of the tests currently used by diagnostic laboratories;
2. Development of, and agreement on, the most sensitive, accurate and reproducible methods;
3. Adoption and publication of the agreed method for each pathogen as the Standard Diagnostic Technique.

Thus development of SDTs in aquatic animal bacteriology may include an SDT on general methods for aquatic animal bacteriology followed by SDTs for specific diseases such as Vibriosis. Vibriosis, due to its widespread occurence in vertebrate and invertebrate aquatic animal species in tropical and temperate regions of Australia, was identified as a disease of particular importance with respect to standardisation of diagnostic methods [1].

In order to ensure that the SDTs incorporate the latest technologies and information on exotic, as well as enzootic, bacterial pathogens, and that the SDTs will be recognised internationally as state-of-the-art, an international expert on the specific disease will be invited to participate in each of the respective workshops.


1. Fish Health Management Committee (1998). Report of the Fish Health Management Committee and the Fish Health Coordinating Group: Workshop on Aquatic Animal Health: Technical Issues, 7-9 December 1998, Melbourne, Victoria.


1. Introductory Workshop in Fish Bacteriology - to provide training in basic diagnostic techniques for the major diseases of salmonids and other finfish.
2. Bacteriology Workshop - Diagnosis of Vibriosis in aquatic animals.
3. Preparation and submission of a report recommending bacteriological methods for aquatic animals for inclusion in Australian Standard Diagnostic Techniques (SDTs), and agreement on authorship, provided to the Aquatic Animal Health Unit, National Office of Animal and Plant Health.

Final report


ESD and fisheries: what, why, how and when? A stakeholders' workshop

ESD has become a major objective of the fisheries legislation of most jurisdictions. A key component is the need to measure and report performance against ESD objectives. Setting sustainable levels of fishing has, of course, been central to fisheries management and science for a long time. The...
Seafood Industry Victoria Inc (SIV)

Developing environmental management standards for the Australian seafood industry

Project number: 2000-146
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $229,841.00
Principal Investigator: Phil March
Organisation: OceanWatch Australia Ltd
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2000 - 27 May 2005


The seafood industry is acutely aware that the community has become increasingly sceptical about assurances from industry and government regarding the state of the environment generally and in particular the environmental performance of industries which interact with the natural environment.

Development of nationally and internationally recognised environmental management standards using the SeaQual Australia process will assist to:
. achieve significant cultural change within the fishing and associated industries;
. focus the industry clearly on continuous improvement of its environmental performance; and
. gain international and domestic recognition that the industry is operating within environmental standards appropriate for the marine environment.

This project is an opportunity for governments and industry to lead the way internationally with the development and implementation of fisheries environmental standards which will engender public confidence in the way fisheries and the marine environment generally are being managed and that fisheries resources are being used sustainably.

To achieve this there is an urgent need to develop an environmental management system framework which provides realistic and achievable options for environmental accreditation/certification for each of the diverse range of fisheries in Australia. Such a framework needs to be also supported by access to tools and expertise to assist each fishery to determine appropriate environmental management systems for that fishery and to help the fishery to commence the journey of continued improvement in environmental performance (See Attachment 1).

This project will build on initiatives such as Greening Australia's Fisheries, SeaNet and SeaQual Australia to ensure that research outcomes relating to environmental performance are adopted by industry within an appropriate context.

Working together, SeaQual Australia, operating as part of Seafood Services Australia, will provide resources and guidance in the development of a "green chooser" and other products (including environmental management standards development) while SeaNet will provide the all important face-to-face assistance with using such products and with ensuring that their development is soundly based on industry needs.

Building on the work being undertaken by SCFA in relation to Fisheries ESD indicators, this project will commence the development of environmental management standards which can be assessed by independent 3rd party auditors.

While this project has been identified under the industry development program of FRDC it is extremely relevant to the other two FRDC programs eg achieving resource sustainability through fisheries management improvement. Continued improvement of the industry's environmental performance will be key outcomes of the project. This project is also targeted to address State priorities identified by the State FRABs. In all cases improving environmental performance is a high priority. The priorities identified by the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture will also be addressed.

This project provides a unique opportunity to ensure that research results and outcomes are adopted and implemented to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. By working closely with the SCFA ESD reference group, the development of ESD indicators (SCFA project) and the tools required to assist industry stakeholders to meet them (this project) can occur in a systematic pragmatic way and assist in achievement of the desired outcomes.


1. To provide a framework and support to enable fisheries in Australia to determine and achieve an appropriate level of environmental accreditation/certification through implementation of an environmental management system relevant to each fishery underpinned by a commitment to continuous improvement.
2. Expand the capacity for SeaNet to provide expertise and assistance to industry groups in improving their management practices and in positioning themselves to implement appropriate environmental management systems and standards for their fisheries.
3. To develop a support tool to guide decisions on appropriate environmental management systems ie "a SeaQual green chooser".
4. To develop nationally and internationally recognised prerequisites for environmental management standards adopted by fisheries throughout Australia.
5. To identify, document and disseminate environmental best practice technologies and techniques to fisheries.


ISBN: 0 9775587 5 4
Report • 644.80 KB
Seafood EMS - Recipes for Success.pdf


The purpose of this report is to illustrate the value of EMS as a management tool for seafood businesses to achieve their environmental, economic and social goals and in achieving broader natural resources management goals associated with fishing and aquaculture as well as demonstrating to the community the seafood industry’s environmental credentials.

The report targets existing and potential industry leaders, facilitators and training providers and government officials who have a desire to be involved in the continued development of the seafood industry through EMS.

Project products

Manual • 3.17 MB
Seafood EMS - Self-assessment and Training Manual.pdf


This Seafood EMS Self-assessment and Training Manual, including the Seafood EMS worksheets, its companion, the Seafood EMS Assessor’s Guide, the Seafood EMS Communication Kit and the Seafood EMS CD provide the seafood industry with a national program for EMS training and assessment.

This manual helps you through the development and implementation of an EMS that meets the needs of your seafood business.

Case study • 1.78 MB
Seafood EMS - Walking the Talk - Seafood EMS Case Studies.pdf


Seafood Services Australia Ltd is proud to bring you, in this publication and others in the series of Seafood EMS Resources, the distilled wisdom of the industry leaders who have pioneered seafood environmental management systems in Australia.

The Seafood EMS Resources result from an intensive R&D program made possible by the Australian Government’s investment of $1.65 million of Natural Heritage Trust funds through industry partnership programs, including the EMS National Pilot and Pathways to Industry EMS programs. The seafood industry invested $3 million in-kind in these latter two programs.

This R&D capitalised on the innovative strategic investments in environmental management systems in the seafood industry by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, with strong support from the Australian seafood industry.

The industry has earned a leading reputation around the world and among other primary industries for these ground-breaking initiatives and its enthusiastic uptake of seafood EMS. By using the Seafood EMS Resources, you’re taking advantage of the best EMS experience currently available.

Guide • 1.32 MB
Seafood EMS - Assessor's Guide.pdf


Environmental sustainability is a high priority for the Australian seafood industry and the Australian Government. It can only be achieved through the collaborative efforts of everyone involved in the industry. 

Seafood Services EMS initiatives have been made possible by the Fisheries Development Corporation’s investment in the development and extension of the Seafood EMS model in SSA itself. The guide has been developed under the EMS Pathways for the Seafood Industry project1 funded by the Natural Heritage Trust to assist fishers, aquaculturists and seafood post harvest businesses to embrace environmental sustainability through the development and implementation of environmental management systems (EMSs). 

The Seafood EMS program has been especially designed to help seafood industry people to develop and implement an EMS that meets their needs. The training component is covered in The Seafood EMS Self-assessment and Training Manual. The EMS may involve a group of seafood businesses with common interests, or it may involve only one business. Participants in the program may undertake it independently or they may work with a facilitator. Whatever the pathway, participants will gain new skills and knowledge and as this learning is shared with colleagues and workplace members it will spread throughout the seafood industry. The Seafood EMS Assessor’s Guide provides a process by which participant EMS skills and knowledge can be Recognised against national industry EMS competency standards.

The value in having knowledge and skills recognised against an external standard is appealing to more and more people in industry. With recognition comes personal satisfaction and for some, career opportunities. For the workplace it promotes a learning culture which in turn fosters further learning and sharing of knowledge. Recognition can be useful for third party audits and for meeting market protocols. For the industry, it increases the capacity for growth through expansion, improvement and marketing opportunities, and helps achieve resource security for future generations.

Guide • 10.95 MB
Seafood EMS - Communication Kit.pdf


Have you ever wished the seafood industry had a better reputation? This Seafood Communication EMS Kit can help us achieve just that.

Designed to provide you with the ‘who, what, when, where, why and how’ of communication, this guide uses the eight developmental steps for Seafood Environmental Management Systems (EMS) from the Seafood EMS Chooser to provide a framework for communication activities.

The kit is flexible so that you can decide what type of communication is best suited to your group at different stages of the EMS process.

Different groups will have people with varying levels of skill and experience in relation to event organisation, working with the media and communication in general. This means you need to assess the experience your group has with communication as soon as you start the process. Based on this assessment, you may decide to undergo some basic training (for example - learning how to work with the media).

Publication • 812.56 KB
The Seafood EMS Chooser.pdf


Our industry’s future, and access to the natural resources used by fisheries and aquaculture, will depend increasingly on our capacity to demonstrate that we are utilising these resources in a sustainable, responsible way.

More and more seafood industry businesses and organisations are setting up environmental management systems (EMSs) to improve — and demonstrate — good environmental performance. In the process, they are increasing their profits and improving their relations with the community.

An EMS can help you to gain access to the latest and best knowledge, to be innovative, and to reap the benefits of adopting the best and most efficient industry practices. Fisheries and aquaculture enterprises that want to achieve greater self-management can also use their EMS to demonstrate a standard of achievement that meets the needs of regulators within a self-managed system.

The Seafood EMS Chooser is the first step in deciding on what should be in your EMS. It provides you with an overview of what’s involved, without going into too much detail. When you have the big picture, it’s time to move on to the Seafood EMS Resources —manuals, a CD-ROM and a website — which will take you through step-by-step.

Your EMS won’t be based on a “one size fits all” model — the Seafood EMS Chooser outlines the various choices you will make to meet your goals and tailor your EMS to your unique, day-to-day business activities. Similarly, your journey along the EMS path will be far from lonely — people who have already implemented EMSs are keen to pass on their experience, and industry trainers can help you to quickly acquire EMS skills and access government training assistance.

Workshop • 2.25 MB
Seafood EMS - Worksheets.pdf


These worksheets have been prepared to assist with the creation of an EMS.
Report • 595.78 KB
Seafood EMS - Engagement of Seafood Stakeholders.pdf


The following report outlines the results of a study undertaken by Rural Solutions SA and Corvel Marketing and Management to identify the key requirements for engaging seafood stakeholders in environmental management systems for the seafood industry.

Surveys, interviews, literature reviews and focus group activities were undertaken to gauge the key factors for engagement. This guided a recommended process for ensuring successful engagement with identified tools that can be considered in future engagement processes. It is important to note here that the project team had difficulty in attaining responses from various seafood stakeholders and what is presented and used in the production of this report and the associated recommendations is taken to be representative of the seafood industry and its associated stakeholder groups.

Final Report • 2005-05-11 • 3.01 MB


Environmental management systems in the seafood industry are gradually gaining acceptance as a means by which industry operators can pursue and demonstrate sustainable development; outcomes at the enterprise, regional and/or fishery level, and assist to build community confidence in the way that Australian fisheries resources are managed and accessed.

In response to this, the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) funded Ocean Watch Australia Ltd (Ocean Watch) and SSA Ltd (SSA) to develop a framework and guidance material to assist industry groups and individual enterprises to adopt a systems approach to environmental management. This project was managed by Ocean Watch on behalf of the Australian Seafood Industry Council (ASIC).

The environmental management systems framework and guidance material, including the "Seafood EMS Chooser" and "Seafood EMS Step by Step Guide" were developed and refined through a case study process involving industry associations whose members participate in wild capture fisheries.

The five industry associations that formally participated in the case study process were:

  • Queensland Rock Lobster Industry Association (QLD);
  • Hawkesbury Trawl Association Inc (NSW);
  • East Gippsland Estuarine Fishers Association Inc (Vic);
  • Abalone Industry Association of South Australia (SA); and
  • South West Rocks Beach Haulers Association Inc (NSW).

Other industry groups and individual enterprises contributed in a more informal manner. The case study process was facilitated by SeaNet the environmental extension service for the Australian seafood industry administered by Ocean Watch, whose officers provided face to face assistance to participating industry associations in the form of background research and documentation of management system components. This case study process also produced examples of 'live’ EMS components, including a risk assessment, Environmental Action Plan, policy and code of conduct, providing a foundation upon which the participating industry associations can further develop and implement their management systems.

Keywords: Environmental Management Systems

National application of sustainability indicators for Australian fisheries

Project number: 2000-145
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $558,291.15
Principal Investigator: Rick Fletcher
Organisation: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) WA
Project start/end date: 29 Jun 2000 - 28 Dec 2008


The urgency to develop a comprehensive and practical reporting system has increased substantially in recent years. The requirement for assessments include the need for third party Government Auditing that will result from the proposals by Environment Australia (EA) to amend schedule 4 of the Wildlife Protection (REI) Act (1982) along with the imminent introduction of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act in July 2000 and the implementation of the Oceans Policy strategies. There are also requirements within each jurisdiction to meet general government commitments to ESD and particularly when these are explicitly part of their Fisheries Legislation. Finally there are also recent developments associated with industry wanting to either gain market access or provide increased leverage for their products from gaining environmental accreditation. Thus, there are a large number of reasons why assessments need to be completed. There is an even greater need to ensure that the reporting schemes developed are sufficiently comprehensive to restrict the level of duplication.

The Standing Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture (SCFA) identified the need to actively progress the development of nationally agreed criteria and indicators that would enable fisheries managers to report against all the principles of ecologically sustainable development (ESD). The ESD objective is now explicitly or implicitly part of State and Commonwealth fisheries management legislation. There are a number of components related to ESD within the fisheries context, these include the target species, the ecosystem, social and economic issues and also management arrangements. Not all of these components are of interest or are addressed in each of the identified requirements listed above. Thus, in the assessments required by Environment Australia the only components addressed are the target species, the ecosystem and management arrangements. This is similar to the assessments required under the Marine Stewardship Council. Assessments for ISO 14000 and Codes of Conduct only cover management arrangements. However, to fully meet the commitment to ESD, all components will need to be assessed. Consequently the proposed SCFA process will cover all aspects of ESD. These comprehensive assessments should nonetheless incorporate the aspects required for these other requirements.

The SCFA Working Group has been established to steer the development of ESD criteria and indicators with the support of the SCFA Research Committee, who have developed a system for ESD reporting. The Working Group has agreed on an approach and timetable that would result in a report on the application of nationally agreed criteria and indicators for all Australian fisheries by mid 2001.

The Working Group approach includes 3 key research tasks that support their objectives, which require funding:
1. Application of draft criteria and framework using case studies
2. An SCFA workshop based around the case studies
3. An “Initial National Application” report of the ESD criteria and indicators for Australian fisheries

The urgency to progress this approach was raised at the ESD Stakeholder Workshop that was held in Geelong during March 2000. All stakeholder groups were represented at this workshop and they all recognised that there was a strong need to progress from the current situation to one where reporting on all components of ESD can be completed.

Endorsement was obtained from all sectors for the SCFA approach. There were, however, clear indications that effective consultation and participation from stakeholders were required during the project to ensure that the results will obtain national recognition and support. Consequently, a Reference Group will be established that will include representatives from Environment Australia, Commercial Fisheries, Aquaculture, Recreational fisheries, Indigenous groups, FRDC, Environmental groups and other relevant experts. The Reference Group would work in partnership with the SCFA Working Group to assist in the coordination and exchange of information. It was also suggested that this Reference Group along with selected memebrs of the SCFA Working Group could act as a resource for other relevant ESD projects (e.g. 2000/358).

Finally, the workshop resulted in the development of the appropriate linkages between the members of the SCFA proposal, which is primarily concerned with the development of effective ESD reporting mechanisms, with the proponents of the other ESD projects such as FRDC 2000/358 which is designed to assist industry develop better, more environmentally credible methods of operation. These discussions resulted in the agreement as to how the two projects can benefit each other.


1. Facilitate the development and consistent application of practical, nationally agreed criteria and indicators by:
2. Completing a series of case studies implementing the agreed draft SCFA criteria and indicators for ESD reporting.
3. Conducting a workshop including representatives of all stakeholders to summarise the results obtained in other tasks related to the development of indicators for fisheries.
4. Completing a workshop report that contains the best available information on indicators and performance measures that could be used immediately to address the ESD criteria provided by SCFA for each main fishery type.
5. Generating a status report using an “Initial National Application” for sustainability indicators in fisheries including an evaluation section that would identify any further research, development or testing required to ensure a complete set of revised criteria, indicators and performance measures that could be used for all fisheries in all jurisdictions.
6. Complete a final national application report for Australian fisheries.
7. Initiate development of an ESD framework for cross fishery and marine planning issues.
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