5,727 results

Measuring performance

As a statutory authority, the FRDC has a legislative obligation to ensure its investments in R&D projects deliver benefits for its stakeholders. however, measuring these can be difficult for a range of reasons including the duration and complexity of the project, what to measure from it and what...

Enabling strategies to help achieve R&D Plan outcomes

To help make progress towards the five R&D Plan outcomes easier, the FRDC will also invest in five enabling strategies: ‘Drive digitisation and advanced analytics’ (this means expanding capacity to make decisions based on data). ‘strengthen adoption for transformative...

R&D Plan outcomes

Over the next five years, FRDC investment will be targeted to achieve the five outcomes of this R&D Plan (shown in Figure 2 below). The five outcomes are: Growth for enduring prosperity Best practices and production systems A culture that is inclusive and forward...

Imagining the future of fishing and aquaculture

The consultative process to shape this R&D Plan was extensive, with leaders and innovators from all sectors, fisheries managers, researchers and environmental non-government organisations working together on various elements. using different socio-political scenarios, they explored possible...

Looking back and looking ahead: Fishing and aquaculture in Australia

The past 27 years of FRDC’s strategic planning and investment in fishing and aquaculture show an emphasis on improving practices and product quality to help both sectors prosper. In more recent years this has continued, and has been joined by an increasing focus on ecological and social...

Developing a plan for the future

Fishing and aquaculture play unique roles in Australia. as well as offering physical and cultural nourishment, fishing and seafood provide connection to the natural environment, promote wellbeing, and bring communities together. Fishing and aquaculture have significant potential for growth. as the...

About this R&D Plan

2030 vision The FRDC will invest to achieve the shared vision of Australia’s fishing and aquaculture sectors of building collaborative, vibrant fishing and aquaculture, creating diverse benefits from aquatic resources, and celebrated by the community. FRDC’s...

FRDC R&D Plan 2020-2025

Imagining the future of fishing and aquaculture The FRDC will invest to pursue the shared vision of Fish forever 2030 for a collaborative, vibrant fishing and aquaculture, creating diverse benefits from aquatic resources, and celebrated by the community. Overview The FRDC R&D Plan...
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