5,727 results

Stakeholder planning workshops

The FRDC holds a stakeholder workshops each year to gain an insight into the key issues. The issues identified along with stakeholder feedback forms part of the priority setting for the FRDC funding rounds. 2023 workshop Workshop presentation slides: FRDC Stakeholder Workshop 2023...

Subscribe & win

Thank you for you interest. The prize draw is now closed for the Seafood Directions event and the winner will be contacted. If you wish to receive our news and information, head to our subscribe page and provide your...

Upcoming events

2024 April May June July August September October November April Second UN Ocean Decade Conference (Barcelona, Spain) 10-12 April More information: https://oceandecade-conference.com/home.php World Circular...

International connections in fishing and aquaculture

International collaboration and partnerships At FRDC we recognise the importance of international collaboration and partnerships to achieve a globally sustainable future for fishing and aquaculture. That's why we value our international connections, with whom we actively engage in knowledge...

Australian Seafood Trade Dashboard

Technical tips for viewing this dashboard For optimal viewing, we recommend accessing this dashboard on a desktop. If you're viewing on a mobile phone, turn it vertically for a better experience. On desktop, to browse in full screen mode, select the double-sided arrow on the Microsoft BI Tool bar...

Extension Officer Network

Overview The FRDC’s Extension Officer Network was established in mid-2022. One Extension Officer was appointed in each State and Territory, tasked with engaging directly with individuals and organizations involved in fishing and aquaculture. The network's purpose is to enhance the adoption of...

The Board

About the Board The Board comprises up to nine directors who are appointed, in accordance with sections 17 and 77 of the Primary Industries Research and Development Act 1989 (the PIRD Act), as follows: The Chair is selected and appointed by the Minister The Managing Director is selected...
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