Project number: 2021-131
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $210,000.00
Principal Investigator: Cameron Westaway
Organisation: Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA)
Project start/end date: 21 Jun 2022 - 25 May 2023


Hosting the WRFC in Melbourne will provide a unique opportunity to build capacity and leadership in the Australian recreational fisher, scientific and management communities, and develop skills in modern technology and methods. It will increase participation in recreational fishing by showcasing Victoria’s and Australia’s fishing and tourism experiences to leading and influential recreational fishing stakeholders from across the world.
The event is expected to attract hundreds of international visitors from at least 20 countries, as well as thousands of recreational fishers and fishing experts from across Victoria and Australia.
Hosting this major event requires support from key recreational fishing stakeholder groups. We would like to seek FRDC’s financial support to assist with operating costs including venue hire (Melbourne Convention Centre), guest speakers, advertising and promotion, and other logistics expenses for the WRFC.


1. To deliver a successful World Recreational Fisheries Conference 10 which explores the challenges of recreational fishing in a changing world
shares the latest science, managment and stakeholder knoweldge
promotes inclusion and cooperation amongst diverse stakeholders and fosters best practice to maintain recover andprotect the worlds recerational fisheries.

Final report

Author: Cameron Westaway
Final Report • 2023-05-01 • 5.09 MB


The Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) was announced to host the next World Recreational Fishing Conference (WRFC) to be held in 2023 in Melbourne. The WRFC is the world’s most prominent gathering of the recreational fishing community and is held every three years for researchers, recreational fishers, angling organisations, governments worldwide to meet and exchange knowledge on hot topics in recreational fishing. The Victorian bid was prepared in partnership with recreational fishing organisations including VRFish and FutureFish Foundation, Women in Recreational Fishing Network (WIRF) and Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation (ARFF). The objective of hosting was to run a high standard international conference which attracted hundreds of Australia’s and the world’s best recreational fisheries scientists, managers and leaders to Melbourne to share and extend their knowledge to their peers and to inspire world’s best practice and increase participation in recreational fishing. FRDC’s specific objective was to deliver a successful WRFC which explores the challenges of recreational fishing in a changing world, shares the latest science, management and stakeholder knowledge, promotes inclusion and cooperation amongst diverse stakeholders and fosters best practice to maintain recover and protect the worlds recreational fisheries. 

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