04 Mar 2021
A recent Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) report has analysed how COVID-19 affected the seafood industry in Australia, with the aim of using this knowledge to prepare the sector for...
02 Dec 2020
Get inspired by the many stories of industry innovation and science - read or download your copy...
12 Oct 2020
Get inspired by the many stories of industry innovation and science - read or download your copy...
05 Oct 2020
5 October 2020   Today is World Habitat Day and while the United Nations’ emphasis is on shelter for humans, man-made structures can make the most unlikely homes for other species.  A...
24 Sep 2020
During October the FRDC will be facilitating a series of online events to promote cooperation across all sectors of fishing and aquaculture, fisheries managers, researchers and associated services in...
21 Aug 2020
One of the FRDC’s most ‘people-centric’ plans to date, the Plan’s main purpose is to convey a shared vision for the future. To pursue this vision, FRDC investment will be targeted to achieve the...
09 Aug 2020
The Maningrida community in the Northern Territory has been building a profitable fishing enterprise since its right to sell fish beyond its own community was legally recognised in 2017. When the...
07 Aug 2020
Seafood is one of the world’s most traded commodities. The impacts brought by COVID-19 have been far-reaching, and those faced by our own seafood sector in Australia have similarly been felt across...
03 Aug 2020
“There is much that we learn about the robustness of our decision systems when they are placed under stress during a crisis like COVID,” says Ian Dutton, director of marine resources at the Department...
20 May 2020
20 May 2020 Under-utilised seafood species – not always a sustainability short-cut Eating more under-utilised seafood species is often advertised as the way to more sustainable seafood consumption,...
08 Apr 2020
08 April 2020 Seafood for Easter is both versatile and delicious – the science says so. Wondering how to get your seafood fix this Easter? Fear not! When it comes to seafood you can be well-prepared,...
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