537 results

Risk assessment for the NSW seafood industry

Project number: 1998-359
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $14,500.00
Principal Investigator: John Diplock
Organisation: NSW Department of Primary Industries
Project start/end date: 8 Sep 1998 - 11 Aug 1999


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1. To conduct a risk assessment of the health risks by the NSW seafood industry using accepted risk classification models and to identify those areas posing significant and/or immediate threats to human health and to prioritise the areas requiring food safety planning.
2. To review available information and identify any deficiencies in effectiveness and efficiency of current food safety measures for the seafood industry, and any risks not addressed by the current systems.
3. To estimate likely costs to government and industry of implementation of food safety plans over a five year period to address the identified risks.

Final report

Author: John Diplock
Final Report • 1999-08-02 • 230.50 KB


Seafood, unlike most other foods, can pose serious food poisoning risks simply as a result of their biology and/or the way in which they are consumed.  This problem is further exacerbated by the fact that animals posing a risk do not show any signs that can easily distinguish them from ‘safe” food.  This has resulted in a widespread lack of appreciation of the dangers posed by seafood amongst those that catch and distribute the products.

The notion amongst those in the industry is that if the product is “fresh” - meaning recently caught- it is safe to eat, with the corollary being that catchers and distributors take little action to ensure that food is safe to eat, other than to keep the product cold to touch.  The lack of data on outbreaks of food poisoning attributed to seafood, except in cases related to shellfish, may have further contributed to the complacent attitude amongst seafood operators to food safety.  However the risks posed by seafood are real, and apart from oysters and pipis, little is being done to ensure that only safe products are offered for sale.  Even enterprises that export under AQIS requirements may sell product onto the domestic market that is not necessarily handled under their export quality program. 

Our study has shown that most operators in the seafood industry are unable to describe the hazards posed by the seafood that they handle and sell and unwittingly subject most to considerable time/temperature abuse.  There is ineffective product identification through the distribution channels and thus the industry has limited ability, if any, for effective product recall in the event of a food poisoning outbreak.

There is sufficient evidence (based on survey and interviews with managers and staff within the NSW seafood industry, and with senior personnel from peak industry organisations) to indicate a significant gap between existing industry practice and what is required to control hazards.

Recommendations are made based on these findings, and suggest a “whole of industry” approach to minimise implementation cost, and maintain consistency from catchers to wholesalers.  We recommend that comprehensive research is carried out to quantify the hazards and effective control measures for the NSW seafood industry.  This research is essential to provide the industry with a scientific basis for the preparation of their HACCP programs, and to ensure that industry can equip itself to provide safe seafood.


Assessing the nutritional value of Australian Barramundi

Farmed Australian barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is a reasonably well-recognised fish product in the Australian marketplace, however, its nutritional value and health benefits compared to other animal protein and seafoods is not quantified and widely known by consumers. This study assessed the...
James Cook University (JCU)

Husbandry of the blue swimmer crab in Aquaculture

Project number: 1998-333
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $58,700.00
Principal Investigator: Martin Smallridge
Organisation: Ocean Gold Investments Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 25 Aug 1998 - 20 Jan 2003


1. Pilot trials under laboratory conditions have shown that blue swimmer crabs can be successfully cultured from egg to saleable product. Investigation and refinement of husbandry techniques are required, under conditions of commercial scale production, to remove uncertainty impeding development of an industry.

2. Research undertaken to date lays the foundation for the development of a successful new industry. The expansion of the industry requires the development of a sound scientific basis to husbandry techniques and ongoing research support. The key impediments identified are in the areas of nutrition, health and temperature/stocking rate interaction.


1. To define profit maximising husbandry strategies for aquaculture of blue swimmer crabs under commercial conditions.
2. To define feeding strategies for optimum growth and survival of blue swimmer crabs under aquaculture conditions.
3. To determine health impacts on blue swimmer crabs under intensive holding conditions of stocking density, water temperature and feeding strategies.

Final report

ISBN: 0-97502-60-0-3
Author: Martin Smallridge

Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: The effects of AGD on gill function - use of a perfused gill model

Project number: 2011-069
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $75,439.99
Principal Investigator: Melanie Leef
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 31 Jan 2012 - 2 Mar 2013


With a production value of over $362 million (2009-2010 ABARE), the Tasmanian Atlantic salmon industry is now the most economically valuable finfish industry in Australia. This industry employs over 2000 people therefore the social, economic and arguably cultural values to the Tasmanian community are considerable. AGD is the most significant health issue affecting the production Atlantic salmon in Tasmania with estimated costs to the industry of up to 20% of total production. These costs relate to freshwater bath treatments, which require specialised infrastructure and are labour intensive, as well as lost production through both mortality and decreased growth. AGD outbreaks are more frequent in the summer months however with increasing temperatures bathing frequency and associated costs appear to be extending into traditionally AGD-free periods such as spring and autumn. Mitigation of these costs is therefore essential to maintain the profitability of the industry.

This proposal was developed to specifically address the TSGA R&D strategic themes ‘AGD-determination of what is actually killing the fish’ and ‘AGD-development of in-vitro assay systems’. Previous in-vivo studies have failed to determine the physiological cause of AGD-related mortality (project 2001/205). Additionally performance of an in-vitro model developed for AGD research (see project 2001/244) was found to be inconsistent and its use for research purposes was ceased. The use of an in-vitro perfused gill preparation could resolve these issues as the physiological mechanisms relating specifically to gill function could finally be quantified for heavily affected and moribund animals. The in vitro perfused gill preparation offers a novel approach to AGD research. Manipulation of the model to varying external (surrounding medium) and internal (perfusate) conditions will allow direct examination of gill function in not only AGD-affected fish but also has direct application for other health and non health based physiological studies.


1. Development of an in vitro perfused Atlantic salmon gill model for use in both AGD and non health based physiological studies
2. In vitro assessment of gill function in AGD affected fish
3. Investigation of altered gill blood flow patterns and brnachial (gill) vascular resistance in AGD affected fish

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-86295-709-1
Author: Melanie Leef

Aquafin CRC - Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Subprogram: effects of husbandry on AGD

Project number: 2004-214
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $209,941.00
Principal Investigator: Barbara Nowak
Organisation: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Project start/end date: 16 Jun 2004 - 30 Nov 2007


Strategic plan
This proposal is fulfilling objectives of Aquafin CRC Centre Agreement and it is within the key research areas for Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram Strategic R&D Plan.
Aquafin CRC Centre Agreement:
This proposal fulfils the objective to reduce economic impact of disease in finifish farming (Program 3 Health) and provide environmentally friendly approaches to disease management (Program 3 Health). It falls within Subprogram 3B Management and control of Amoebic Gill Disease of Atlantic salmon.
Aquatic Animal Health Subprogram Strategic R&D Plan:
- aquatic animal health management
This proposal will establish AGD management on the farm
- best practice
Results of this project will contribute to the development of Regional Codes of Best Practice for Health, which is one of the priorities in the R&D Plan
- nature of disease and host-pathogen interaction (improved knowledge of the host-response to disease agent)
Parasitic protozoans are one of the priority groups for this key research area. This proposal also will contribute to evaluation of host-pathogen ineractions for intractable diseaess and identify risk factors to develop disease minimisation risk.
- training and capacity building (human capital development)
This proposal will provide training for one postdoctoral fellow and contribute to consolidation of knowledge and capability for parasitology of aquatic animals, which is one of the priorities

Need for research
There is a clear need to broaden the almost exclusive approach of managing AGD by treatment only. Identification of husbandry practices that lower disease incidence will be of immense value in curtailing the currently excessive costs of treatment. Understanding the reasons for reduced disease incidence within different salmon sub- populations at the farm level will have numerous flow of benefits to other AGD related research. In the recent AGD research survey of Tasmanian salmon producers it was stated that:

”Section role of farm management still needs some work particularly in the area of mature fish and lights. Farm observations show mature and lit fish being susceptible to infection and triploid fish having an apparent resistance to infection. We feel that study of the mechanisms involved in these examples should lead to a better understanding of the host-pathogen interaction”.

Disease outbreaks are a function of the interaction between host, pathogen and their environment. Under culture conditions it is impossible to prevent interaction between a pathogen and its host; however, the proposed study presents an opportunity to gain further knowledge, which can directly influence current industry approaches, regarding the effects of manipulating the host and its environment.

Investigation of infection in relation to these different production strategies; ie, artificial lighting, triploids and maturation will improve management of AGD and lead to reducing AGD impact on the industry. This project will provide industry with a more detailed appraisal of AGD in the field, over a longer time period, incorporating multiple treatments and seasonal changes. The advent of enhanced understanding of AGD provided by this project will provide salmon industry with alternative, environmentally friendly strategies to lower production costs of which AGD mitigation is a significant part.


1. To determine effects of husbandry procedures on AGD outbreaks
2. To examine effects of stock (including maturation status, sex, ploidy) on AGD outbreaks.

Final report

ISBN: 978-1-86295-412-0
Author: Barbara Nowak
Final Report • 2008-09-09


Before this project our knowledge of the effects of husbandry on Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) was limited.  This project allowed on-farm assessment of effects of husbandry procedures and stock characteristics on AGD severity. Furthermore, we investigated the potential to re-use fresh water for more than one bath. Preliminary results were promising.  Further trials, including some on a larger scale should be undertaken to confirm that re-use of freshwater bath has a commercial potential.

Out of season smolt subjected to artificial lighting regimes and transferred to estuarine sites, where a marked halocline is present, required earlier bathing than fish from cages where no artificial lighting was used.  However the advantage of fish subjected to artificial lighting not maturing would outweigh the disadvantage of the need for an earlier bath.  This is because maturing fish were more affected by AGD than non-maturing fish.  Neither supplemental oxygenation nor high-energy diet affected AGD.  There was no statistically significant difference between males and females with regard to AGD.   There was no evidence that ploidy had an effect on AGD, however the trial was compromised by the priorities of commercial farm management. There was no significant effect of gill damage on the severity of Amoebic Gill Disease.

In conclusion, this project has not only increased our understanding of the effects of husbandry on AGD but also has enhanced our ability to investigate AGD in the future. This will ultimately lead to direct benefits for the salmon industry.

Keywords: Amoebic Gill Disease, salmon, aquaculture, freshwater bathing

Abalone Aquaculture Subprogram: strategic planning, project management and adoption

Project number: 2003-202
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $364,496.00
Principal Investigator: Justin Fromm
Organisation: Abalone Aquaculture Consultancy Pty Ltd
Project start/end date: 13 Jul 2003 - 15 Jan 2008



FRDC has been recognised for their leadership in developing abalone aquaculture in Australia. To ensure that this investment in R&D in partnership with the industry results in a significant abalone aquaculture industry, it is important that this partnership is maintained. FRDC has created one of the few truly national programs for developing an aquaculture species. The benefits arising from this have been significant as measured by: quality of science, industry planning of R&D, partnership approach to R&D execution, comprehensive extension program using novel media formats (e.g., interactive CD ROMs) and the high level of adoption.

The AAS has fostered a truly collaborative relationship with industry which has led to highly
commercially-focused research outputs for the Australian abalone aquaculture industry. Since its inception in 1993 the Subprogram has delivered highly focused research outputs that have responded to the changing R&D needs of the industry as it matured. The AAS has achieved this by implementing operational processes that ensure industry members themselves identify R&D needs and, through the Steering Committee, subsequently manage research projects.

The Subprogram has achieved a high degree of research coordination between states and an extensive communication strategy to ensure service delivery to the industry. The Subprogram has added value the FRDC’s research investment by managing its project portfolio in this way. None of this would have been possible without an independent Subprogram Leader and a highly responsive Steering Committee that is strongly represented by industry members across southern Australia.


The presence of a coordination component within the AAS has resulted in savings in the operation of new and existing projects far exceeding $500,000 and it is likely that this trend will exist in the future. This has been achieved by improving project adoption, ensuring projects are appropriately costed, coordinated travel and workshop budgets combined with more efficient use of limited research funds. To this end, the AAS Steering Committee will continue to support a coordination project for the operation of the AAS. During the past three years, the FRDC funded an additional ten projects within the Subprogram. Of these, the AAS has delivered outcomes from 4 core projects with outcomes pending from another two core projects in June 2003. It has also delivered outcomes from four projects funded prior to the commencement of its current term. It is unlikely that this level of highly focused research and productivity would have been possible without a coordinated Subprogram.


1. Development and implementation of strategic plans and the facilitation of research and extension to assist the development of abalone aquaculture in Australia.
2. Coordination of a wide range of discipline-based (i.e. nutrition, health, genetics, husbandry) research projects for the two commercially valuable species of abalone.
3. Facilitate the delivery of outcomes from the Abalone Aquaculture Subprogram in the form of annual workshops, workshop proceedings, the subprogram’s website, the subprogram's newsletter, trade journal articles, final reports, and scientific publications.
4. Provide a single point of contact for abalone aquaculture research in Australia.
5. Facilitate the functions of an Abalone Aquaculture Steering Committee to ensure ongoing research programs have a high degree of industry relevance and focus.
6. Undertake an independent review of the subprogram in partnership with FRDC. The results to be used as input into the strategic planning process and subprogram procedures.
7. To continue the abalone selective breeding program.

Final report

ISBN: 978-0-646-47285-0
Author: Dr. Ann Fleming
Final Report • 2007-06-01 • 900.65 KB


In an external, independent review of the performance of the subprogram over the past 6-7 years, the industry strongly endorsed the FRDC in managing the subprogram. This endorsement included the selection of R&D topics of high strategic and commercial importance to industry, use of appropriate research providers and appropriate apportionment of available funds across the 12 projects. Respondents also endorsed subprogram management and research providers in the shared responsibilities of establishing and maintaining generally adequate to high standards of communication, collaboration and consultation with industry.

Keywords:  Abalone, aquaculture, industry, subprogram, Haliotis rubra, Haliotis laevigata.


Seafood CRC: new opportunities for seafood processing waste

Project number: 2013-711.40
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $83,000.00
Principal Investigator: Janet Howieson
Organisation: Curtin University
Project start/end date: 14 May 2015 - 14 Dec 2016


The seafood industry is facing unprecedented challenges (WAFIC 2020 Strategy, FRDC R&D 2015).
The networks established by CESSH have laid a strong foundation to attract national and international
investment partners. For the first time, the whole industry along the supply chain and post harvest is
working together to achieve outcomes that benefit the WA (and national seafood industry) and the
health of the Australian population. It is essential that the industry is able to remain viable and indeed
grow, within the constraints of an ever changing economic, technological and food security landscape.
There is a need for a continued go-to place that the industry can access to gain support to develop
new products, investigate novel and improved means of harvest, reduce production costs and provide
evidence of the value of consuming seafood. CESSH needs to build on existing strong capacity areas
and establish expertise in areas that are currently not available in WA to service the growing and
diverse needs of industry. This could afford industry a point of difference in the provision of world class
support to answer research and science questions that impact on growth, quality or profitability in a
timely fashion, an essential service for a primary industry.


1. Sub Program 1: Waste minimisation and management - optimisation of supply chains to reducewaste
total utilisation of seafood products
and innovative product development fromunder-utilised species
2. Sub Program 2: Retailer 2020 - Develop an understanding of multi-channel consumer retailenvironments (current and future trends) to support Australian businesses to capitalise on newand emerging oppoprtunities
3. Sub Program 3: Food policy research - maintain currency of expertise and knowledge in:regulation of food labelling and food laws
nutrition and health claims
nutritional dietary guidelinesand the human health benefits of seafood to inform industry marketing initiatives and nutritionalclaims
4. Sub Program 4: Research advisory service - Develop a technical advice service to provideassistance along the supply chain
assist and upskill industry to apply for research funds
providefood technology advice (e.g. nutritional composition)
provide health benefit advice to industry(market advantage)
and develop tailored industry and consumer resources
5. Sub Program 5 - Education, communication and extension - respond to industry post harvesttraining needs
inform industry of relevant research findings in a variety of formats appropriate tothe end-users
and build post harvest research and scientific capacity that is imbedded within theindustry.
6. Sub Program 6 - Collaborative manufacturing hub - investigate and trial collaborativemanufacturing hubs to reduce costs and maximise efficiencies in developing and commercialisingnew products


ISBN: 978-0-9925568-5-3
Authors: Dr Janet Howieson Kerri Choo Andrew Tilley Tuna Dincer Rachel Tonkin Dechen Choki
Report • 2017-07-01 • 1.06 MB


This report summarises the research undertaken under FRDC 2013/711.40: New Opportunities for Seafood Processing Waste
Industry consultation and the development of a modified value chain analysis framework for new products from processing waste resulted in eleven industry case studies being identified for the project: these included products for potential waste transformation such as on board Patagonian Toothfish waste, land-based tuna and other finfish waste, abalone shuckings, pearl oyster adductor muscle, scampi roe, octopus heads and offal, swim bladders of various species and out of specification Blue Mussels. A variety of different waste transformation techniques were trialled including enzyme and acid hydrolysis of frames, offal and bones, curing of roe, drying and milling, enzyme extraction, oil extraction, composting and flavoured stock production. As a result a variety of products for different outcomes were produced, and compositional and shelf-life analyses completed on each of them.
For each processing waste case study, an individual report summarising the methods and results was produced and provided to the industry partners as well as generally being made available as publishable appendices to this report. Some of the outcomes were for non-human products such as Patagonian Toothfish, tuna and other finfish hydrolsate for fertiliser, aquaculture feed or pet food, composting products, low quality oil and extracted enzymes for potential addition to detergents. However there were also some high value food products produced including scampi roe, Blue Mussel stock, pearl meat adductor muscle and fish maw (swim bladders). In total, of the eleven industry requested case studies commenced three new products have been commercialised (tuna hydrolysate, scampi roe and pearl adductor muscle), and a number of other products are in market/commercial trials.

Project products

Report • 2017-09-01 • 224.48 KB


The project commenced with a literature review and then an audit of the seafood processing waste estimated to have been produced in 2013 in Australia. Likely to be the most accurate assessment undertaken thus far in this field, the audit estimated different forms and feasibility of access for the waste in Australia. The resulting volumes (whilst now historic but upgradeable), with limitations, now allow a more informed evaluation of potential economic opportunities from seafood processing waste.
Report • 2017-09-01 • 1.35 MB


The results demonstrated an improvement in the operation of the SAMPI facility in shifting from acid to enzyme hydrolysis. There was a slight difference in the compositional quality, the processing times were improved and the separation of the product on standing was reduced. The original objective to extract a high quality oil was not achieved due to the changes in the raw material, the company objectives and difficulties in up-scaling the laboratory results to commercial facilities.
Report • 2017-09-01 • 1.58 MB


The experimental work, whilst defining compositional analyses and putative final product process methodologies for the tuna bones and gill plates, has not resulted in any outcomes which can be commercially explored by the SAMPI company at this time.
There are other opportunities for value-adding from fish bones, such as extraction of collagen, collagen hydrolysates and hydroxyapatine, and production of gelatin, but these were considered beyond the scope of this project and will likely be put forward as potential student projects.
Report • 2017-09-01 • 1.91 MB


Investigate the feasibility of developing an on board hydrolysis waste treatment and discharge regime that meets current CCAMLR requirements for protecting seabirds and could potentially result in the development of alternative, economically viable by-product options.
Following the final trials it was decided to cease the project as there were a number of barriers to commercial feasibility. These included on board processing issues such as heating and ability to settle into different layers, the “grey” definition of “stickwater”, difficulties in using biofuels, and the EHA/DHA levels in the toothfish oil which would restrict viable commercial uses onshore.
Report • 2017-09-01 • 227.42 KB


The Patagonian Toothfish fishery in the Southern ocean produces up to 600 tonnes of fish waste each year. This waste presents a unique utilisation opportunity through the extraction of novel functional compounds from the viscera. There is significant evidence to suggest that the digestive enzymes from cold water fish species have lower optimal temperatures for activity than those of warm water species (Carginale, Trinchella, Capasso, Scudiero, & Parisi, 2004; Feller & Gerday, 1997; Genicot, Rentier-Delrue, Edwards, VanBeeumen, & Gerday, 1996; Somero, 1978). Psychrophilic enzymes have a number of potential uses in the food and other industries.
This project was commenced after the request for an enzyme sample from Proctor & Gamble. The hypothesised lower optimal temperature of the enzymes from Patagonian Toothfish may be highly effective in cold water laundry detergents. This project will attempt to extract and determine proteinase and lipase activity of Patagonian Toothfish digestive enzymes.
Report • 2017-09-01 • 2.26 MB


Objective: Determine options for potential utilisation of farmed Greenlip Abalone waste (gonads and stomach/ intestines with or without shells atttached) supplied by Southseas Abalone.
The project has resulted in production of a powdered abalone product that could potentially be used as a medicinal additive. However the cadmium levels require further investigation. The results have been provided to the industry partner for cost benefit and other considerations.
Report • 2017-09-01 • 974.88 KB


Biomax is a Singaporean company that has developed a novel enzymatic process for biological waste treatment. The dried product produced by the BIomax process can either be used as fertilizer or as a feed ingredient. The Biomax process had previously been tested on poultry and meat waste and the company were interested to see how waste fish would go in their system. Therefore Curtin worked with BIomax using fish waste as an ingredient in the process.
The Biomax process for fish is described below:
The fish waste material is loaded in a specialized digester along with BM1 enzymes at a ratio of 1ton waste to 1Kg enzymes. A dried waste material was also added (eg coconut coir, sawdust). The digester is a compact and enclosed reactor with sturdy internal mixer that ensures homogenous digestion of waste. BM1 enzymes are a specially formulated cocktail of naturally occurring microbes that break down complex organic compounds inside the waste into simpler organic matter at high speed. This waste/enzyme mix is then mixed, aerated and heated at 80oC within the digestor for the next 24 hours. After 24 hours, nutritious animal feed or fertilizer can be produced in powdery form to be discharged from a separate conveyor belt. This environment friendly zero-waste process does not produce any solid or liquid by products, only the dried product. This product is cooled for 2-3 days. The resulting product is shelf-stable at room temperature for at least 12 months.
Report • 2017-09-01 • 440.62 KB


Note: This report is available on request from the PI or FRDC - A summary of the project is available in the 2013-711.40 final report, as well as below
Kinkawooka Blue Mussels requested a case study to look at optimisation of Blue Mussel stock production from second grade Blue Mussels (Appendix 8). A multiple enzyme driven hydrolysis process was developed, and sensory assessment undertaken of the resulting Blue Mussel stock product (Figure 14). A pleasing product was developed at laboratory scale and was despatched for market feedback
Report • 2017-09-01 • 435.47 KB


Note: This report is available on request from the PI or FRDC - A summary of the project is available in the 2013-711.40 final report, as well as below
Westmore Seafoods requested an investigation into the development of a value-added product from scampi roe (Figure 15). Curing trials were undertaken, laboratory scale production protocols optimised for sensory quality. Shelf-life and composition analyses were undertaken on the product produced in the laboratory
Report • 2016-12-01 • 621.20 KB


To develop export and domestic markets, Paspaley Pearls have upgraded their commercial on board processing of the pearl adductor muscle from the Pinctada maxima pearl oyster following recommendations from these quality optimization trials. The upgraded on board process has a strong emphasis on maximizing product quality at harvest including the removal of excess moisture, chilled in an ice slurry vacuum packing and snap freezing product. The pearl meat processed with this method is called ‘harvested meat’. There are still some operations that process the pearl meat using the previous method, where there is less emphasis on quality and the meat is removed, chilled, washed and frozen in a commercial freezer in bags. The pearl meat processed using this method is termed ‘fished meat’.
There are three different grades for the pearl meat, based on the age of the shell ,each with slightly different characteristics making each size ideal for particular markets listed below:
• 1R (First Operation): 60 pieces/kg, best for restaurants. Sweeter and tenderer flesh generally harvested from younger pearl oysters. Sell for less if used for producing dried pearl meat.
• 2R (Second Operation): 45 pieces/kg, best for restaurants.
• 3R (Third Operation): 30 pieces/kg, best for producing dried pearl meat. Large and meat can be chewier.
The pearl meat currently harvested is sold to restaurants in the domestic market, with chefs serving them in raw sashimi style and cooked format. The company now has a focus to sell their product to premium food service establishments, both domestically and internationally. To export, the company must meet the requirements set by AQIS, FSANZ Food Standards Code and the regulatory requirements of the importing country. The product must have a best before date to be placed on the product before being exported. The company would also like to provide recommendations on best practice thawing and shelf-life of fresh and thawed product.
Report • 2016-12-01 • 1.44 MB


Paspaley Pearls were interested in commercialising production of the adductor muscle, a by-product of the pearl harvesting process. Samples of fresh and frozen pearl meat were subjected to different packaging and cold storage treatments and then analysed for sensory assessment and for shelf-life (Appendix 10 and 11) (Figure 16). Optimised procedures were then forwarded to the company, who subsequently purchased the appropriate shipboard processing equipment and developed protocols for addition to production documents for export and domestic markets. Such protocol are now being assessed by regulatory authorities with launch of the new products for the domestic and local markets expected in 2018.
Report • 2016-12-01 • 1.72 MB


The objective of the project is to develop a cost-effective method to sanitise and dry air bladders (fish maw) to provide a suitable and safe product for the Chinese and Hong Kong export markets.
The project partners, Dried Seafood Corporation, have demonstrated an Asian market interest in dried Barramundi air bladders. According to the Australian Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (1994), Barramundi is preferred for its premium grade fish maw and thus, the fish maw from Australian Barramundi can become a valuable export commodity.
Report • 2016-12-01 • 1.07 MB


Following discussions with the various industry partners it was decided that the next step was to dry swim bladders from a range of species and compare with commercially available products. 
Assess the quality parameters of dried whole farmed barramundi air bladders from different harvest areas in Australia.
Whole frozen farmed barramundi air bladders were supplied by Sealanes and Dried Seafood Corporation. The Sealanes air bladders were from an aquaculture facility whereas the Dried Seafood Corporation samples were from wild harvest.
Two trials were conducted, Trial 1 without manual internal cleaning, and Trial 2 with manual internal cleaning
Report • 2016-10-01 • 2.68 MB


small scale enzyme hydrolysis trials were completed on a range of species commonly sold in small retailers. These trials include Snapper, Barramundi and Atlantic Salmon. Subsequently a survey was completed with small seafood retailers about their waste (Appendix 14). The survey results indicated an interest in a solution to produce other products from waste on site, and hence a small scale hydrolysis unit, suitable for small retailers was designed by the research team and construction commissioned (see Figure 5). Whilst still being trialled, the unit has been used successfully to transform mixed product from a small retailer, and will also be used to produce enzyme hydrolysate for juvenile Barramundi feeding trials being conducted by PhD student Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddik. Trials with the hydrolysing unit will therefore be continued past the reporting stage of the project
Report • 2016-09-01 • 413.68 KB


This report presents two Cost-Benefit Analyses (CBA) for selected Australian seafood waste case studies.
Seafood waste streams offer commercial opportunities for value adding and coproduct development, in either seafood and or related industrial product markets. Dr Janet Howieson, on behalf of Curtin University, is working with the two commercial seafood processors to assess, develop and implement ways to better utilise and commercially monetise their respective seafood waste streams.
This project evaluates the two waste stream case studies (Paspaley Pearling Company, and FishTrade International) from a commercial cost-benefit viewpoint. The report summarises these cases and their commercial prospects. The report also presents a standard cost-benefit template to guide similar evaluations.

SCRC: SCRC: AS-CRC PDRF Project - Quantitative Genetics Post Doctoral Research Scientist (Flinders University and SARDI joint appointment)

Project number: 2008-705
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $0.00
Principal Investigator: Graham C. Mair
Organisation: Flinders University
Project start/end date: 31 Mar 2008 - 29 Mar 2011


This research will address all the background issues relating to the implementation of successful breeding programs for the species cultured by the end users investing in the CRC's Breeding for Profit theme (e.g. trait prioritisation, determination and allocation of resources, genetic parameter estimation, breeding program design, data management and analysis, etc.). The PDRF will be expected to play a significant role in developing the project applications for CST, ABFA and AAGA and be involved in the development of strategic projects in the Theme as these develop and then be a lead scientist undertaking the designated research, in association with experts in aquaculture genetics and also from other disciplines (e.g. nutrition, aquatic animal health, larval rearing and systems design).
The proposed project is likely to comprise a range of research activities focussed on the estimation of genetic parameters, the management of selection programs and the estimation of genetic gains. There will also be a range of complementary research activities addressing key constraints to optimisation of breeding programs.

The contributions of this PDRF will be directed at the CRC’s Program 1 – Value Chain Profitability, Outcome 1 – Increased profitability and industry value through efficient delivery of Australian seafood to the consumer; and Output 1.3 - removal or reduction of key production constraints in selected aquaculture systems. The focus in this area will be on milestones 1.3.1 (new genetic tools and/or appropriate breeding strategies developed for genetic management and improvement of at least two aquaculture species); 1.3.2 (genetic parameters estimated for key commercial traits; genetic improvement programs designed and implemented for at least two aquaculture species) and 1.3.5 (production efficiency gains from genetic, health management and nutritional interventions quantified to inform long-term strategies and estimate commercial benefits).

Validation of longfin eel aquaculture potential

Project number: 1999-330
Project Status:
Budget expenditure: $42,964.00
Principal Investigator: Clive Jones
Organisation: Department of Agriculture and Fisheries EcoScience Precinct
Project start/end date: 11 Jul 1999 - 8 Apr 2003


Attractiveness: World eel production is in the order of 150,000 tonnes per year, but demand is estimated at over 200,000 tonnes and increasing. Australia’s eel production has traditionally come from wild fisheries and extensive culture by way of stocking impoundments with elvers. This production has not exceeded 500 tonnes in any year, and there is little potential for any expansion from these sources. Aquacultured eel would however have immediate market potential. Recent studies (Ford and Roberts, 1996) have confirmed that longfin eels are highly regarded by both Asian and European consumers, and that attractive prices can be achieved. The proposed research will assist in increasing the supply of this valuable product.

From a benefit/cost perspective, the continuity of the longfin growout work now underway rates very highly. It will be significantly more cost-effective to continue the existing successful program rather than terminate it after 2 years, only to re-initiate it possibly 1 year later.

Feasibility: This project seeks to develop semi-intensive pond-based aquaculture of the longfin eel. This is particularly attractive as the feasibility is enhanced by advantageous characteristics of this species, relative to shortfin eels. The longfin eel has faster growth rate, is more abundant as glass eels, is adapted to the tropical / sub-tropical climate prevailing in northern Australia, and is therefore better suited to growout in outdoor ponds which are significantly less expensive to establish and operate than indoor tank facilities.

Feasibility is further enhanced by the track record of the PI who has comprehensive research experience with the aquaculture research and development of redclaw (FRDC 92/119). QDPI has excellent facilities to support the research, located in the tropics, and will subsidise the project directly with staff and operating resources.

• generate biological information regarding growth rates and survival in relation to weaning, diets, grading and density
• identify health / disease problems and establish health monitoring protocols
• develop expertise in the investigators to equip them for further and more comprehensive research
• identify priority issues for further research
• evaluate the potential for developing a commercial eel aquaculture industry


1. To assess the farmability of the longfin eel and define basic husbandry and health requirements for semi-intensive growout, with specific objectives as follows:
2. Determine suitable weaning practices
3. Develop optimal grading procedures
4. Assess the efficacy of existing commercial diets
5. Determine growth rate and survival in relation to density / biomass
6. Collect information on the parasites, pathogens and lesions of eels
7. Extend research results to industry
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